lunes, junio 29, 2015


»El sexo tiene ese efecto en mí. Me gusta cómo me demacra el rostro, cómo me hace envejecer bien. Los ojos ya me los ha cambiado.

Me forma un pliegue en la comisura de la boca cuando no sonrío, me ha dejado los labios blandos, elásticos. Me ajará los pechos. He decidido que me dejaré tocar mucho, que me vengaré del tiempo haciendo el amor.

Mucho. He decidido seguir siendo bella en la cama.

Quiero resultar tan interesante que le cuerpo deje de importarle al que me mire.

Los hombres querrán hacer el amor con la parte intocable de mi ser.

Y así nunca seré vieja, ni aun cuando tenga la cara como una uva pasa, cuando sea toda arrugas. No me da miedo. Dentro de veinte años estaré maravillosa.

Sabré mucho más que ahora. El amor, el semen, me mantendrán bella. Lo sé. Mucho más que ahora.

Ya querría tener más años«.

Valentina Maran, El hombre que me baña, 2008.

sábado, junio 27, 2015

Símil lunar

»Que el deseo en los ojos de las mujeres es parecido al brillo de la luna: ilumina toda desnudez con mayor calma. Pero provoca también una decidida fuerza de gravedad que atrae tanto a los hombres como a las mujeres«.

Alberto Ruy Sánchez, Nueve veces el asombro, 2005.

martes, junio 23, 2015


My music you said? Music fill all my world since ever. Just now I'm listening such a great disc, an old one but truly good. About the music, the young Zarathustra was right when he said in "Twilight of the Idols": "Without music, life would be a mistake". Music runs in the family, you know? So always was something with us in everyday life, natural.
They asks me how many discs I have, but honestly I don't know. Maybe around three thousand more or less. Most of them are in boxes otherwise will be impossible to store in. Of course, these days there are no more discs, but there was a time when have them was the thing…
So what are in my music library? Almost all, or more precisely, almost all the good music. Besides the obvious: classical music, jazz, pop, crossover, some rock but also blues, country, Cuban and world music too, for say something. I still remember the first CD I bought: was Beethoven's moon-light sonata of CBS, before was buy it by Sony with Vladimir Horowitz as interpreter.
And I still don't tell you about the cassettes (tapes) and the vinyl LP's what, of course, I posses too. But that, perhaps, I can tell you in other time.

P.S. Which reminds me, I don't buy yet Diana Krall's most recent CD…
Maybe it's time to do it…

lunes, junio 22, 2015


Siouxsie & The Banshees: Melt!

You are the melting men
You are the situation
There is no time to breathe
And yet one single breath
Leads to an insatiable desire
Of suicide in sex
So many blazing orchids
Burning in your throat
Making you choke
Making you sigh
Sigh in tiny deaths
So, melt
My lover, melt
She said melt
My lover, melt
You are the melting men
And as you melt
You are beheaded
Handcuffed (in lace and blood and sperm)
Swimming in poison
Gasping in the fragrance
Sweat carves a screenplay
of discipline and devotion
So, melt
My lover, melt
She said melt
My lover, melt
Can you see?
See into the back of a long, black car
Pulling away from the funeral of flowers
With my hand between your legs

sábado, junio 20, 2015

La espiral del deseo

»El asombro amoroso está en la naturaleza de la espiral y del deseo«.

Alberto Ruy Sánchez, Nueve veces el asombro, 2005.

jueves, junio 18, 2015


Vivamus, mea Lesbia, atque amemus,
rumoresque senum severiorum
omnes unius aestimemus assis!
Soles occidere et redire possunt;
nobis, cum semel occidit brevis lux,
nox est perpetua una dormienda.
Da mi basia mille, deinde centum,
dein mille altera, dein secunda centum,
deinde usque altera mille, deinde centum;
dein, cum milia multa fecerimus,
conturbabimus illa, ne sciamus,
aut ne quis malus invidere possit
cum tantum sciat esse basiorum.

Catulo, Carmen V.

lunes, junio 01, 2015

Todo a todos

»A todos la vida les da todo, pero los más lo ignoran«.

Jorge Luis Borges, Undr, en El libro de arena, 1975.