miércoles, diciembre 05, 2012

Bria Skonberg

Mi más reciente descubrimiento dentro del jazz se llama Bria Skonberg. Compositora, trompetista e interprete vocal, comparte con Diana Krall además del talento la nacionalidad canadiense y la residencia neoyorkina. 

Talento y belleza no son siempre contrarios. ¡Viva Canadá!

martes, diciembre 04, 2012

Nostalsong, Eros Ramazzotti

E così
dopo i giorni scappati di mano sei qui
e non c'è niente da perdonare
anch'io di testa non c'ero più

E così

non è un caso che ci ritroviamo ancora qui
è una serata particolare
e non potevi mancare tu
sotto un mucchio di stelle
qui lo scenario che c'è
è perfetto insieme a te
ciao come va
va di nostalgia
e tu già conosci la mia
mi ricorda uno scampolo
di quell'estate romana
che non è tornata più
ciao come va
va di nostalgia
ma tu non andare già via

Gireremo intorno un po'
a questa luna
cercheremo l'avventura fino là
cercheremo se ce n'è
ancora una
perché questa non sono sicuro che basterà
io vorrei ricominciare
ancora una volta
e ancora con te
ma il coraggio di farlo davvero ancora non c'è

Balla così
non fermati mai
tu balla così come sai
è una botta di nostalsong
balla così
non fermati mai
ed io ballerò con te

miércoles, octubre 24, 2012

Goodbye: Diana Krall

CHARLIE HADEN, "Goodbye", feat. Diana Krall

I'll never forget you

I'll never forget you

I'll never forget how we promised one day
To love one another forever that way
We said we'd never say

But that was long ago
Now you've forgotten, I know
No use to wonder why
Let's say farewell with a sigh
Let love die

But we'll go on living
Our own way of living
So you take the high road
And I'll take the low
It's time that we parted
It's much better so
But kiss me as you go

viernes, septiembre 28, 2012

Para medir el beat

…o pulso.

Aviso: hipnotizante. En esta versión vitaminada y mineralizada del experimento de los cinco metrónomos alguien el Laboratorio Ikeguchi de Japón se entretuvo en ver qué sucedía si utilizaba 32 metrónomos a la vez.

La magia de esta sincronicidad se debe, aunque parezca increíbe, a los pequeños movimientos que se producen en la mesa de forma natural.

Vía Microsiervos

martes, septiembre 25, 2012

Borges y yo

Al otro, a Borges, es a quien le ocurren las cosas. Yo camino por Buenos Aires y me demoro, acaso ya mecánicamente, para mirar el arco de un zaguán y la puerta cancel; de Borges tengo noticias por el correo y veo su nombre en una terna de profesores o en un diccionario biográfico. Me gustan los relojes de arena, los mapas, la tipografía del siglo XVIII, las etimologías, el sabor del café y la prosa de Stevenson; el otro comparte esas preferencias, pero de un modo vanidoso que las convierte en atributos de un actor. Sería exagerado afirmar que nuestra relación es hostil; yo vivo, yo me dejo vivir, para que Borges pueda tramar su literatura, y esa literatura me justifica. Nada me cuesta confesar que ha logrado ciertas páginas válidas, pero esas páginas no me pueden salvar, quizá porque lo bueno ya no es de nadie, ni siquiera del otro, sino del lenguaje o la tradición. Por lo demás, yo estoy destinado a perderme, definitivamente, y sólo algún instante de mí podrá sobrevivir en el otro. Poco a poco voy cediéndole todo, aunque me consta su perversa costumbre de falsear y magnificar.

Spinoza entendió que todas las cosas quieren perseverar en su ser; la piedra eternamente quiere ser piedra y el tigre un tigre. Yo he de quedar en Borges, no en mí (si es que alguien soy), pero me reconozco menos en sus libros que en muchos otros o que en el laborioso rasgueo de una guitarra. Hace años yo traté de librarme de él y pasé de las mitologías del arrabal a los juegos con el tiempo y con lo infinito, pero esos juegos son de Borges ahora y tendré que idear otras cosas.

Así mi vida es una fuga y todo lo pierdo y todo es del olvido, o del otro.

No sé cuál de los dos escribe esta página.

Jorge Luis Borges, Borges y yo, El hacedor, 1960.

domingo, septiembre 23, 2012

»¿Qué otra cosa sino el deseo es la vida?«

Jaime Sabines, en Diario semanario y poemas en prosa, 1961.

sábado, septiembre 22, 2012



Celebra il Vilanel con balli e Canti
Del felice raccolto il bel piacere
E del liquor de Bacco accesi tanti
Finiscono col Sonno il lor godere.

—Adagio molto—

Fà ch' ogn' uno tralasci e balli e canti
L' aria che temperata dà piacere,
E la Staggion ch' invita tanti e tanti
D' un dolcissimo Sonno al bel godere.


I cacciator alla nov' alba à caccia
Con corni, Schioppi, e canni escono fuore
Fugge la belua, e Seguono la traccia;
Già Sbigottita, e lassa al gran rumore
De' Schioppi e canni, ferita minaccia
Languida di fuggir, mà oppressa muore.

Antonio Vivaldi, L'autunno, c. 1716-17.

miércoles, septiembre 05, 2012

Contrapunto: la música del número áureo

El número áureo (φ) es un número irracional cuyos primeros dígitos son 1.61803398874989484820458683436563811772. Se trata de un número algebraico irracional (decimal infinito no periódico) que posee muchas propiedades interesantes y que fue descubierto en la antigüedad, no como “unidad” sino como relación o proporción entre segmentos de rectas.

Esta proporción se encuentra tanto en algunas figuras geométricas como en la naturaleza. Entre sus muchas propiedades nos encontramos con su relación con la serie de Fibonacci.

Ahora Michael John Blake nos muestra su belleza musical a partir de la siguiente fórmula:
1 = C
2 = D
3 = E
4 = F
5 = G
6 = A
7 = B
8 = C octava
9 = D octava
0 = silencio

La melodía que surge directamente de los 39 primeros dígitos de φ la podéis escuchar más arriba.

domingo, septiembre 02, 2012


Happy, cause always is incredible talk with you…

Feliz porque siempre es increíble hablar contigo…

Hecho a mano

Those Who Make:
I get really inspired when other artists and craftspeople share the process behind their work. The internet is a terrific resource for finding videos along these lines. I recently came across the blog, Those Who Make, and their curated collection of videos and interviews. Their content covers a wide range of materials, disciplines, and subjects, but all grant the viewer an over-the-shoulder view as people make.
Here are two of the videos I found on Those Who Make:

I’ve only watched a small selection so far, but if you’re looking for inspiration this is a good place to go. Set aside about half an hour and watch a few.

sábado, septiembre 01, 2012

Un año en dos minutos

Algunos cambios en la naturaleza son tan lentos que nuestros sentidos son incapcaces de registrarlos secuencialmente.
Pero gracias a una Canon 5D Mark II, un noruego llamado Eirik Solheim ha filmado durante todo el 2009 el entorno que rodea a su casa en Oslo y ha confeccionado un vídeo de tan sólo 120 segundos en el que podemos comprobar cómo evolucionan los árboles y al paisaje de la zona al ritmo de las estaciones.
Vía | AbadíaDigital

Vía: XatakaCiencia

domingo, agosto 26, 2012

El esplendor en el cielo

»Pensó que apenas un amanecer y un ocaso (un viejo resplandor en el oriente y otro en el occidente) lo separaba de la hora anhelada por los buscadores del nombre«.

Jorge Luis Borges, La muerte y la brújula.

lunes, julio 30, 2012


También juzgan algunos que un viejo amor se debe sacar con un nuevo amor, como un clavo con otro clavo.

Cicerón, Discusiones Tusculanas, IV, 75.


Etiam novo quidam amore veterem amorem tamquam clavo clavum eiciendum putant.

Cicero, Tusculanarum Disputationum, IV, 75.

viernes, julio 27, 2012


No existe algún mortal a quien dolor y morbo
no alcancen; muchos tienen que inhumar a sus hijos,
procrear de nuevo; y muerte fue asignada a todos;
esto al género humano, sin fruto angustia causa;
vuelta a tierra la tierra debe ser, y la vida,
cual mies, segada a todos. Así manda el Destino. [Ananque]

Eurípides, Hipsípila, en Cicerón, Discusiones Tusculanas, libro III, XXV.

jueves, julio 26, 2012

Travel Photography Inspiration Project: Spain

I hope your summer (or winter) is progressing nicely while we jump back into travel photography inspiration from around the world. Today we will tour Spain through the eyes of DPS readers while learning some tips about shooting in the country. There is a nice variety of locations and subject matter in this tour, so let’s get to it!
This is the eleventh country we are covering in the reader fueled DPS Travel Photography Inspiration Project.
If you would like to be involved in the next country’s post, drop me a line here.
Calatrava’s L’Hemisfèric in Valencia, Spain by Arturo Lavin Gonzalez
This impressive building is part of the City of Arts and Science located in Valencia, Spain. The architect Santiago Calatrava built it along the other buildings in the place. This one is an IMAX teather and view from the side looks like a human eye. I made this picture using several exposures and blending them in an HDR file to get the futuristic look that I was expecting. I used there exposures for this picture  at –2, 0 and +2 EV.
Girona houses
Girona houses bordering Onyar River by Raluca Melania
Autumn light is especially flattering for these lines of houses that border each side of the River Onyar, and a soft sunset light compliments the orange and yellow tones of the houses. A smaller aperture is better used for comprising the whole view, but if you prefer lower apertures and details, the many different windows and life pieces offer possibilities. You can use the bridges crossing the river, for support, if you don’t have a tripod.
Jigsaw by Jenny Downing
Stroll round pretty much any Spanish city during the daytime and look out for reflections in shiny buildings; here the harsh midday light is useful.  Moving a step or two to the left or right can dramatically change what you’ll see in the viewfinder.  This shot, taken in Alicante, I found pleasingly abstract, especially once it had been straightened, cropped square and flipped. 
Taken during the middle of the afternoon, using a 70-200mm zoom lens.
Sand dunes of Maspalomas bw
Sand dunes of Maspaloms by Vachelle Poetoehena
This area is a protected site. It is best viewed from behind the Riu Palace hotel on Avenida de Tirijana. Walk underneath the tunnel of the hotel and it will take you out to the dunes
Painting in Seville by Danielle L Goldstein
The plaza outside the Alcazar (and the adjacent Cathedral, one of the largest and most beautiful in the world), is an interesting bustling area filled with tourists, cafes, shops, artists and vendors. It took a bit of patience to get this shot of a street artist at work, as there were many people waling past, and the dog moved around a lot. But in the end, worth the wait!
Toledo at Sunrise - Toledo, Spain - Copyright 2012 Ralph Velasco
Morning Light in Toledo – Toledo by Ralph Velasco
Tip: I can’t express enough the importance of getting out early, and in order to capture the best light of the day is the most obvious reason. But other reasons include the fact that often there are great clouds that can dissipate with the heat of the day (such as these did 2 hours later); it’s cooler so you’ll be more comfortable; there are less bugs; spiderwebs, flowers and grass might have dew on them and offer a great photo op; traffic is minimal; and most importantly, the tourists are still asleep and it’s usually just the locals on their way to work or the kids on their way to school, those are the people I want in my shots.
Santa Eulalia Festival by J Cianfrani Photography
The shot really came to me, as we were in the thick of the parade.  New photos constantly presented themselves, whether by walking around or standing still.  I used a wide angle lens very close to the person in the foreground to bring the buildings into the scene, and to exaggerate the depth of the people in the parade.
Santa Semana in Seville by Janice Rotinsky
If you get the opportunity to travel to Spain during one of their many festivals, it’s worth it.
La maestranza in Sevilla by Arturo Lavin Gonzalez
Bullfighting is kind of a national sport in Spain, being La Maestranza one of the most important venues to watch this kind of show. This panorama shot is made by 9 pictures blended together using Photoshop’s Photomerge (True magic!), you only have to take the shots you want and overlap them by about 15 to 20% of the picture and once you have the files on your computer you go to Photomerge and it instantly makes the hard work to seamlessly blend the pictures. This photo is about 100 megapixels in size, so you can make very large prints with lots of detail using this technique.
Human towers at Fiesta de la Merce by Raluca Melania
This type of human manifestations are a tradition in Catalonia, and in Barcelona can be seen in September, at the Fiesta de la Merce celebrations, the patron saint of the region. It is fairly easy to photograph something like this IF you are in the right place at the right time. Check before with the tourist office about places where human towers are organized, bring some liquids with you, as this events tend to take quite some time, and rely on the aperture priority of your camera. Try to avoid the biggest crowds, and, if you can, look for a vantage point.
Wine Time by Jenny Downing
Another silhouetted shot, this one was taken as the sun set; my ‘victim’ was caught mid-sip whilst drinking an evening glass of Rioja.
As well as showing the sun moments before it disappeared behind the hill, I wanted its reflection to be caught within the wine itself.  I cropped the image square to get rid of a rather distracting branch.
Window in old town
Window in Vegueta, the Old Town section of Las Palmas by Vachelle Poetoehena
Las Palmas has the feel of an old European city. Christopher Columbus stayed in Las Palmas before sailing to America. The house he allegedly lived in is now a museum there.
At the Train Station by Danielle L Goldstein
This capture was made at the Atocha train station in Madrid which is a beautiful architectural space and a great spot for photographing both people and spaces. It is quite light inside, so no flash is necessary.  For this shot I used an iso of 400 at f/8.0.
Lamp Framed in Acueducto Arch - Segovia, Spain - Copyright 2012 Ralph Velasco
Lamp Framed in Aceuducto Arch" made in Segovia by Ralph Velasco
Tip: Look for opportunities to frame your subject in doors, windows, through tree branches, anything, or as in this case, in the arch of a 2,000 year old Roman aqueduct,  If the subject you’re shooting is iconic to the location, such as these lamps are in Segovia, even better.
Sunny Alley by J Cianfrani Photography
I waited until the sun broke from behind the clouds, to light the alley.  I had started to walk past it, when I noticed the light and shadows.  All it took was waiting a little bit for the shot.
Toledo by Janice Rotinsky
It’s easy to be disappointed when the weather isn’t perfect but there are times when it’s a blessing especially when taking castles in black and white.
Cordoba’s Cathedral in Spain by Arturo Lavin Gonzalez
Cordoba’s cathedral is one of a kind church. First it was a Catholic cathedral, in the moro occupation in Spain it was transformed into a mosque, and after that transformed again into a Catholic church. The combination of styles makes this place so unique. I tried to isolate the arabian style inside the church to emphasize the special characteristics of the place.
Inside Up by Peter West Carey
The Malaga Cathedral is a classic for those “cathedral bagging” their way around Europe. Entry fees are moderate and the cathedral is close to shopping and plenty of food in Malaga.
Cadaques boats, resting for the night by Raluca Melania
Cadaques is a small fishing village in the north of Catalonia, offering picturesque views of the sea, of white houses, narrow streets, boats, tavernas. A day’s walk will bring you near boats on the rocky beach (or others that can be seen offshore), boatsmen, crispy white houses, colorful shops. Take a moment, just stop and look around, and you will be surprised on how much this small village can offer you.
psst - keep this under your hat
Hat Seller by Jenny Downing
It was a fleeting moment; he was plying his wares (as well as wearing most of them!) along the beach front one lunchtime.  I was in a restaurant (open-sided, fortunately) when he walked past.  A zoom lens helped eliminate the other diners.
Laundry Day in Arcos by Danielle L Goldstein
Arcos de la Frontera is one of the beautiful white hill towns of Andalucia in southern Spain. The reference is to the whitewashed walls of the towns’ buildings. Here, I loved the juxtaposition of the white walls and the white laundry. A great way to see the area is to rent a car and drive from town to town….each one more charming than the next.
Tapas Display - Madrid, Spain - Copyright 2012 Ralph Velasco
Tapas Display in Madrid by Ralph Velasco
Tip: One of the items at the top of my shot list is the local food, particularly if it’s really distinctive, such as tapas are in Spain. The displays at the "cervecerias" are always full of myriad colors, sumptuous textures and interesting patterns that are fun to photograph.
Going To Church by J Cianfrani Photography
This shot was taken while on a walking tour of Barcelona (a great way to see and learn about the city).  I wanted to capture the motion of three elderly ladies on their way to church.  I held the camera down by my waist (I wanted to capture them without them knowing so it would be natural), and took the picture while walking (to show the motion on the walls).  The wide angle lens wrapped the walls into the photo more dramatically.
La Alhambra in Granada by Arturo Lavin Gonzalez
La Alhambra is one of the most fabulous buildings I’ve been, and also is the most photographed venue in Spain. In order to get a not-so-ordinary shot of the place I used the reflection of the palace in one of the fountains and compose the picture to also get some movement in the water.
Falling Down by Jenny Downing
What attracted me was not just all the colourful pots round the upper balcony, but the one fallen flower that has landed on the otherwise empty balcony below.  Here too the square crop seems to work well so that the focus can be entirely on those two balconies.  It also served to get rid of all but that one palm leaf (and as I needed to be straight on when taking the photo I couldn’t do anything about that).
Bench at the Alcazar by Danielle L Goldstein
The Alcazar is a royal palace built in the 10th century in Seville and  was originally a Moorish fort. The gardens are beautiful, and a photographer’s dream, but this shot of a bench in the interior, with its beautiful light and shadows was a bit more interesting. Spain is a very bright, sunny country and as a result photographing during the day can be a challenge. Its great to try to use the contrast of light and shadow to your advantage, as I tried to do here.
dawn - with birds
Sunrise by Jenny Downing
I’d argue that you can’t have a travel article on Spain without the ubiquitous early-morning-over-the-sea shot.  I guess this one could have been made anywhere with sea … but I have included it anyway!
I was up before the sun rose (and as it was in October, this was not especially a hardship) waiting for the daily seagull commute; they fly south each morning and then return to wherever it is they roost as the sun sets in the evening.  I was after silhouettes against an apricot sky, but as their ‘rush hour’ is at least as long as ours, it is also possible to get up considerably later and have the same kinds of silhouettes, though with a silvery background rather than orange.
If you would like to be involved in the next country’s post, drop me a line here.

Post originally from: Digital Photography Tips.