jueves, abril 22, 2010

En dosis diarias

Señoras y señores: Alberto Montt.

Altamente recomendable. Por lo general, los de dios son geniales… como este. Ciao!

martes, abril 13, 2010

The Definitive List of Online Photography Magazines:

Today we bring you The Definitive List of Online Photography Magazines (or at least we think it is). Here you will find some of best photography magazines on the internet. Within these online publications you will see some of the best photography today from famous and unknown artists, read interviews, learn technique and so much more. Enjoy and share with your friends.


The Definitive List of Online Photography Magazines

Flak Photo

The Definitive List of Online Photography Magazines

1000 Words Mag

The Definitive List of Online Photography Magazines

Making Room

The Definitive List of Online Photography Magazines


The Definitive List of Online Photography Magazines


The Definitive List of Online Photography Magazines

Blue Eyes Mmagazine

The Definitive List of Online Photography Magazines

Social Documentary

The Definitive List of Online Photography Magazines


The Definitive List of Online Photography Magazines

F-Stop Magazine

The Definitive List of Online Photography Magazines

Enter World Press Photo

The Definitive List of Online Photography Magazines

Lunatic Magazine

The Definitive List of Online Photography Magazines

The 37th Frame

The Definitive List of Online Photography Magazines

ahorn Magazine

The Definitive List of Online Photography Magazines

Deep Sleep Magazine

The Definitive List of Online Photography Magazines

domingo, abril 11, 2010


No tengo mayor aspiración que formular la belleza de la ciencia. Pongo esa belleza antes que la ciencia. Nitimur in vetitum¹: siempre deseamos dos cosas: a la mujer del vecino y la perfección que somos menos susceptibles de obtener.

Erwin Schrödinger, físico.

¹«Nos esforzamos por lo que está prohibido.»

jueves, abril 08, 2010


Los adivinos vaticinaban oráculos de todas clases, que cada uno se afanaba en escuchar según sus inclinaciones.


Luminoso epitafio

«La Naturaleza, y las leyes de la Naturaleza, descansan escondidas en la noche.
Dios dijo, ¡que se haga Newton!
Y todo fue luz».

Epitafio para Sir Isaac Newton, por Alexander Pope, 1730.

jueves, abril 01, 2010

Curiosidad poderosa

No tengo talentos especiales, pero sí soy profundamente curioso.
